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The School of Hard Knocks

Formal education is great. So are alternative curriculums. 🙇‍♂️

Life Challenges, Real-World Experiences, Overcoming Adversity are refracted through a lens of Resilience and Adaptability

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Dropping out of college—twice—wasn’t my plan. But plans are just theories until reality tests them.

I spent my 18th birthday at the MEPS. I wanted to be a Marine. 6 weeks later I was diagnosed with Stage 3 Hodgkin’s Lymphoma.

So, I pivoted. Enrolled at UNCC and made it one semester before dropping out. Turns out college life doesn’t mix well with cancer therapy.

A few years later, I enrolled at a community college and took night classes. Then I got big promotion at NASCAR that required regularl travel. So, I dropped out a 2nd time.

People love a clean narrative:
College ➡️ Degree ➡️ Job ➡️ Success!

But life isn’t an assembly line. It’s more like a prototype lab.

My education came from reading, writing, building things, selling ideas, and collaborating with people smarter/better than me.

The School of Hard Knocks has no tuition except for adaptability and an appetite for uncertainty. It issues Masters Degrees in resilience.

A degree can open doors. So can a track record of making things happen.

No matter the path you take, it’s what you do with the skills you develop that really matters. That’s your legacy.


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